The SIMS Foundation Medical Care for Musicians Needs Assessment Survey Results
This is a copy of the survey used to assess the health needs of musicians in Austin/Travis County in the Fall of 1999. We are no longer collecting responses.
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1) How old are you? 25 or under 25 - 4040 - 60 Over 60
2) What is your marital status? SingleMarriedLiving Together
3) Do you have children? Yes No
4) Please check the types of health insurance the members of your family have: Private Insurance Medicare Medicaid MAP (Austin/Travis County Clinic Card) None Other (Specify) Self Spouse/Significant Other Child/Children
5) Where do you and your spouse/significant other and child/children seek treatment when you are sick? (Check all that apply) Private Physician Austin City / Travis County ClinicCommunity Health Clinic Emergency RoomMinor Emergency / Walk in ClinicOften don't seek care Other, specify:
6) What types of illnesses/conditions have you and your spouse/significant other and child/children suffered from in the past year? (Check all that apply) Eye problems (Glaucoma, etc...)Hearing Problems Childhood Illnesses (ear infections, measles, stomach upset)Gynecological Problems Muscular/Skeletal problems (strains)Prenatal Care Repetitive Use Injuries (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)General Injuries Respiratory Problems (difficulty breathing, infections)Cold/Flu AllergiesInfections (sinus infections, etc...) Other, specify:
7) a. How often have you and your spouse/significant other and child/children sought medical care in the past year? NoneOnceTwiceMore than twice b. Would you have sought care more often if it was available? YesNo
8) a. Which members of your family are currently taking a prescription medication(s)? SelfSpouse/Significant OtherChild/ChildrenNone b. Are you or your spouse/significant other having difficulties obtaining prescriptions? YesNo c. If you answered yes to part b, are the difficulties due to the cost of medications? YesNo
9) Are you having difficulties obtaining any of the following? Vision CareDental CareHearing Testing Other, specify:
10) If a health clinic for musicians is opened in Austin, what do you feel you would benefit from the most: a. Walk-in AppointmentsScheduled AppointmentsBoth Walk-in and Scheduled Appointments b. Care in a clinic which treats musicians only Care in a clinic which treats musicians and the general population c. Care for your spouse/significant otherCare for your child/children d. Prescriptions Lab servicesX-rays Prenatal CareFamily Planning ServicesDental Services Eye Care General Sick Care Other, specify:
11) In what general area of Austin/Travis County do you live? NorthSouth EastWest NorthwestSouthwestNortheastSoutheast
12) What type of transportation do you use? Walk Own CarBusTaxi Other, specify:
13) If a health clinic for musicians is opened in Austin/Travis County, what hours would be best? Days (8AM-5PM)Evenings (5PM-9PM)WeekdaysWeekends
14) Would you utilize a musician's health clinic if one were established and available? YesNo 15) Additional comments/suggestions: . (If you want a response please leave your email address in the field above)